THU DEC 15 2022

Uncover Your Pipeline Blindspots To Avoid a Revenue Crash

by Cheshta Dora

It is clear to CFOs and CROs that no matter how they slice and dice their revenue numbers, revenue is an outcome of a process. Success ultimately comes down to the quality, quantity, velocity, fidelity, and robustness of the sales pipeline that ultimately leads to revenue. 

With the looming recession, many organizations are cutting budgets and delaying technology investments. They are buying less and more consciously, to survive and navigate this economic downturn. This has put more pressure on both nurturing existing sales pipeline and generating new pipeline between Sales and Marketing. 

Sellers need to maintain a healthy and quality pipeline to survive. Managers need to guide their sellers on pipeline activity through tough inspections. CROs and CFOs need to see eye to eye on the quality of pipeline and how to address pipeline risks. 

This is where most pipeline management tools fall short and where Aviso’s pipeline blindspot assessment comes in. 

Aviso is offering a free Pipeline Assessment to help you inspect your sales pipeline and the potential blindspots that can lead to a revenue crash.

The Benefits of Assessing Sales Pipeline

While revenue teams should conduct pipeline assessments regularly, it is especially critical in the last quarter for various reasons:

  • Sales and revenue executives can use the pipeline assessment to report business metrics, conduct strategic planning, and set revenue targets for the next year.
  • Sales managers and reps can use it to learn about the health and quality of the pipeline and take proactive measures to mitigate pitfalls and ensure they have the right pipeline mix.

To survive and thrive in this economic storm, Aviso’s free-of-cost pipeline blindspot assessment can help you spot inefficiencies in your pipeline and highlight the trigger events that can cause pipeline fluctuations. Your sales teams will benefit significantly from taking this assessment. 

Some of these benefits are:

  • Remove bias from pipeline investigations: Sellers will be able to compare the start-of-quarter projections to the end-of-quarter results to spot any gaps in achieving their targets. This will equip them to strengthen the out-quarter pipeline and ensure the ideal mix of early-stage and mature pipe to succeed.

Understand your pipe like never before

  • Remedy pipeline slippage: Sellers will be able to break down the pipeline flow by category and stage to understand what’s booked already, and which deals they will win according to AI prediction. They will have a comprehensive dashboard to learn what was won, lost, newly added, and pushed out to avoid any pipeline slippages.

Know your quarter and where gaps exist

  • Proactively address pipeline freeze: Sales teams will know when the pipeline has slowed down in specific regions or teams, learn why the pipeline has stalled and what next-best actions to take. They will be able to score live pipeline and verify if they are on pace to hit targets. These insights will help them take proactive measures ahead of the pipeline freeze.

Spot fluctuations. Take action.

  • Gain visibility into how calls are moving the pipeline: Sales managers will get smart transcripts, snippets, and call libraries. This will save a significant amount of time they spend listening to their sales team’s calls. They will also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of sales conversations and spot top sellers’ behaviors. This will enable the managers to ramp new reps 40% faster and reduce sales cycle times by 30%.

Spot implicit and explicit signals on calls

  • Identify alternate pipeline sources: Revenue Operations and Sales leadership can work with marketing to run custom and time-sensitive aircover campaigns to generate more pipeline targeting specific segments, personas, and stages of deals where pipeline is most at risk. 

How to Use Aviso’s Pipeline Assessment

Start your pipeline assessment by filling in some details here. The tool will ask a few questions regarding your sales pipeline and provide you with a free assessment report. 

Our revenue experts will then give free consultation on how to improve your pipeline and reduce revenue risk.

Watch Aviso’s CEO Trevor Rodriguez-Templar explain how to use this Pipeline Blindspot Assessment to spot inefficiencies here

To learn more about Aviso’s revenue operations and intelligence platform, schedule a demo.